Test Benches and
Hardware-in-the-Loop Tests

Extensive experiences with electric and hydraulic test benches allow us to offer wide spectrum services in the field of test benches and hardware-in-the-loop (HiL)-tests to our customers. We are the specialists for high-end test bench controls.

Offers for our Customers

  • Offer of individual DMecS power pack test benches or composite test benches e.g. for Steer-by-Wire systems
  • Application of DMecS test benches in customer projects e.g. power pack test benches or HiL-simulator for steering systems
  • Conception, design, implementation, and commissioning of new test benches with high-end control system
  • Development of new, innovative, and optimal control concepts for existing customer test benches
  • Augmentation of existing customer test benches e.g. with software modules for the conduction of automated testing

DMecS Power Pack Test Benches

The DMecS power pack test benches employ innovative controller and highly dynamic actors and sensors. Thereby

can be conducted. At the same time the components to be tested e.g. electric drives, and therefore the results remain uninfluenced by the test bench dynamics.


DMecS Steer-by-Wire Test Benches

DMecS offers test benches for Steer-by-Wire systems. With that power packs/ actuators which provide the

  • wheel deflection torque
  • feedback torque

can be examined in a realistic test environment. The accurate application of internal mechanical quantities (e.g., torque, position, and speed from HiL-simulation) is given.
